Industry pro in Branding, Design, and Strategy. 

At Acosta Creative Pro, we strive to provide top-notch graphic design services tailored to your needs. We understand that circumstances may change, and refunds may be necessary. Please review our refund policy below:

1. **Non-Refundable Deposit:** A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to initiate any graphic design project. This deposit reserves your spot in our design queue and covers initial project setup costs.

2. **Refund Requests:** Refund requests must be submitted in writing

3. **Eligibility for Refunds:** Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis and may be subject to approval. Only the portion of the project fee exceeding the non-refundable deposit is eligible for refund consideration.

4. **No Refunds After Project Initiation:** Once the design project has commenced and initial concepts have been presented, the non-refundable deposit becomes fully earned, and refunds are no longer available.

5. **No Refunds for Design Deliverables:** Once final design deliverables have been provided to the client and accepted, refunds are not available.

6. **Split Payments:** For all arrangements involving split payments, the balance of the remaining funds is due at the midway point of the project (for example when first design or layouts drafts have been presented).

By engaging in our services, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy.